Wednesday, January 2, 2019

There's A New Block Of The Month Happening In 2019

I'm totally excited about Sew Incredibly Crazy's new block of the month,
A Time For All Seasons, and can't wait to get started on the blocks!

There are four designers and we're having so much fun being creative.
They are the bestest friends ever and I am so glad they are a part of my life.
We've blogged together for a long, long, long time and I love them to pieces!

Amy at Sew Incredibly Crazy is the queen of the BOM and keeps all of us in line. 
Her designs are awesome and she's one of my favorite go-to friends.
She gets my craziness and cheers me on when I need it most.

Carla at Creatin In The Sticks is amazing with all of her designs.
Fortunately for me (and for everyone else) she keeps me focused and sane.
She's also my partner in blog hop hosting and I couldn't do them without her.

Joan at Moosestash Quilting is a great designer and adds humor to this group.
She makes me laugh and you'll know what I mean if you visit her blog.
You'll always find a moose somewhere in our it!

Then there's me, Carol at Just Let Me Quilt, but you already figured that out I'm sure.
Being a part of this BOM design team has been a beautiful experience.
The people who've sewn along with us have inspired me and kept me motivated.
Thanks to all of you!

I'm still working on getting the 2018 "It's A Wild Life" quilt finished. It was an unusually
rough year for all of us designers, and I've been running behind. I don't like that at all!

Here's the BOM quilts from the last few years...

In Our Garden

Sun, Sand, and Sea

There's a Facebook page where everyone shares what they've made and can ask questions.
Check it out HERE.

We'd love to have you LIKE our Facbook pages so we can get to know you better.

Just Let Me Quilt Facebook
Sew Incredibly Crazy Facebook
Creatin In The Sticks Facebook
Moosestash Quilting Facebook

It would be fun to have you join in us in the A Time For All Seasons BOM.
The finished blocks will be seasonal/holiday and will all be the same size...10" x 10".
I've seen some of the blocks!


  1. Oh, how much fun that will be! Thanks for the alert!

  2. So excited can’t wait to see the designs. Thank you for doing these BOM

  3. I am really looking forward to this one Carol. I really appreciate all that ya'll do for us. All of you are very talented and I thank all of you for taking the time to do this for us.
    I have printed out all the patterns for the last BOM, but haven't started it yet. I think it will be something my grandsons will like for their bedroom.
    I have finally finished all the blocks for the IN MY GARDEN BOM. But I wanted it to be larger so I added a lot more blocks so that it would fit my bed. It really is so pretty. Thanks again for all you do.

  4. Awww, I just love this group and you make me smile, my friend. This creative journey with you, Amy, and Joan, along with all the friends we have gained on the way is such a gift. Cheers to 2019!

  5. It is an absolute pleasure to call you a friend. I love our whole little BOM group of friends and all the great people who follow us along on this journey. Here is to a great 2019!!

  6. Can't wait for this one to start. If it is anything like past ones, I know it is going to be wonderful!

  7. I am hoping to take part in this one, Carol. Please let me know details...sounds like lots of fun.

  8. Sounds like fun! Love the previous quilts - you all are a talented design team!

  9. FYI Carol, you have Joan's link up twice. For both Moosestash and for Amy's Sew Incredibly Crazy when you click you get Joan again.

  10. This is a really cute quilt.
    I am excited to see the results along the way
    Happy New Year

  11. Oh wow, thanks for the info. This BOM sounds amazing, I love all you guys and follow all of you. This is going to be a fabulous quilt

  12. Just found you. Looking forward to this!-Paula

  13. This sounds like fun, just found this post and would love to join in. How do I go about it I am new to this.
    Thank you


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