Friday, July 6, 2018

A Little Summer Dress Made With ThermOWeb And Windham Fabrics

When my girls were young, I did a lot of sewing for them. This little sundress would have been 
perfect to keep them cool, because the heat in Las Vegas can be intense. Very, very intense! 
The designs of Windham’s Botany Fabric by Kelly Ventura and Windham Gypsy Fabric by 
Jennifer VanDenburgh, were perfect for McCall’s sundress pattern #7142. 

I'm over at the Therm O Web blog today sharing these sundresses.

Windham Botany and  Palette Fabrics

Windham Gypsy and  Palette Fabrics

I used Heat n Bond Tricot Fusible Medium Weight for the bodice...fusible tricot is amazing!
It's great for projects that need interfacing, but still need to drape a bit.

Aurifil Thread is perfect for any sewing project, including this one.

Stay cool!


  1. So sweet and so very "girlie" Lovin the bow and ruffles.

  2. Those look perfect for those high temperatures.

  3. I had a couple of them when I was little too. The dress you made is just too adorable for words.


  4. Wonderfully feminine! I always wanted bows and ruffles when I was little, but a tomboy is hard on that stuff, so I seldom had any! =)


Comments are always appreciated!

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