Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Put A Little Love In Your Quilt Blog Hop Ideas

Once all the Christmas fun is over with, I'll be looking for ideas for the
Put A Little Love In Your Quilt blog hop in February. Have you signed up
to play along yet? I'd love to have you join in! All you have to do is include a heart
somewhere on your project and share it on your blog on your assigned day.

Just Let Me Quilt

Email me if you want to join!

Putting a heart on a quilt or project is never hard for me.

A heart anywhere just totally shows the love, doesn't it!

Here's one idea for creating a heart quilt:
Creatin' In The Sticks has some easy quilt blocks that could have a heart
added anywhere on them. Her directions are easy, easy, easy to follow!

Each block has taken me less than 10 minutes from start to finish. Love it!

Look who will be sharing their love in February...such an amazing group!
I'm so excited!
I'd love to see your blog name there, too.


  1. Hi Carol,
    I would love to participate in the blog hop! I'll send you a separate email. {{Hugs}} I hope you have some down time to spend with family and friends. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Merry Christmas Carol! Love your photo of your feet in the snow.....we finally got some last night.....hmmmm...maybe I should take a picture of my bare feet in the snow and we can start a trend! Can't wait for the blog hop!

  3. Merry Christmas, girl! But how come you guys have snow? We are supposed to get more tonight. Stay warm!

  4. Hope you had a lovely Christmas Day! No snow to wiggle my toes in here! Not that I would!


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...