Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Fire, The Web, And The Row-A-Long

There are lots of fires happening around the country, but luckily we hadn't had one close to us.
 But, now we do and it's not a fun sight. God bless those firemen working on it!

It's not close enough to be a danger to our home, but close enough that we can see it out our window.
We took a drive up the hill for a better sad to see all the smoke and flames!

It's a little smoky outside, but not enough to stop me from exploring my yard while it was still cool.

There's still some straggler tomatoes hanging on...and yucky tomato worms, too.
I caught my Bruster playing with a huge one. No pics because it was disgusting!

I'm always intrigued by spider webs and this one was no exception.
It was woven tight enough that it was holding water from the morning sprinklers.
I have no idea what spider created this (and I don't WANT to know.)

As for quilty things, I've been sewing everyday to get ready for the EQ7 Seasons Row-A-Long, the
Dog Gone Cute and Halloween Haunts blog hops. Whew...busy but fun!

Terrible pics, but these are some of the rows I created from the designs from the RAL.
Those ladies are amazing with these them!
My ants are taking food TO the basket. They are so kind and generous!
Gotta laugh at my silly sewing mistakes (just so you know, I make MANY mistakes so I laugh a lot.)

This is one I've started working on. Very patriotic and so, so summer.

You should join in the fun!
You pick and choose which rows you like and then you create your own quilt or whatever.
Each blog will have PDF's and tutorials, so be sure to check them out! 
Lots and lots of giveaways at each blog, too!

These rows are on the blogs and ready for you to start sewing.



More rows are coming!






Marian at SEAMS TO BE SEW has more details.

There's also a giveaway for those of us who create rows...

When you add a unique block/row to the Flickr Group that you’ve created from 
any of the patterns offered each week, you will get one entry into the drawing.
You can enter at any blog featuring the Flickr giveaway once each day of 
the Row-A-Long until October 13, 2015 when the giveaway closes.
Winners Announced October 14, 2015.
If you enter both giveaways, you need two unique blocks per each day you enter.
Duplicate Entries will be checked and if found you will be disqualified.
Filler Rows Do Not Count. These too will be disqualified if entered.

*Just a note...
This giveaway is for people who will be making and showing their rows.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

There's a row-a-long group Facebook page...go join the page to be part of the fun!


  1. Stay safe Carol!! Hope they can contain it safely!! Sorry to hear the fire is as close as it is, such a beautiful landscape even with the smoke. Those worms make the most awful sounds, don't they? And Thank You for not showing any spiders...after seeing that web I was a bit cautious scrolling down!! EEEK!

  2. Stay safe. Haven't had to deal with fires in a long time but when I was a kid my grandmother's place had a few close calls. I had to go look up a tomato worm. All I can say is Ewwwww! I would prefer to see the spider compared to that worm. I have been enjoying seeing the rows. Have I done any? No but I can save them to make something awesome at a later time.

  3. Prayers for your fire to be 100% contained very soon. My mother taught me a very wise saying when I was just a little girl, "Fire can be a wonderful servant but a terrible master!" Lots of great sewing and blog hopping this month. Stay Safe and Hydrated Dear...

  4. Fingers crossed that the fire is contained soon. Have my own tomato worms and spiders. Glad you didn't share yours! Did you know you can find tomato worms at night with a black light? They glow and are easy to spot.

  5. Those fires have been so devastating. I feel so sorry for all of the firemen. Love those rows.

  6. we haven't had much luck with our tomatoes this year, everyone around here says it's been a weird year for gardens overall.


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...