Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Let The Brown Bag Voting Begin On My Dresden

I took on the Brown Bag Special challenge at Quilted Works in March and this week our projects
had to be turned in for voting on their Facebook page. There are some really amazing creations
being shown and all they ask is for a "Like" on three of your favorite choices. Voting ends Friday.

I'm #4, so if you like it please click "Like" HERE.

There's lots of other great choices on the Quilted Works Facebook page HERE so check them out.
Help someone win a Pfaff Ambition Essential Sewing Machine!


  1. Voted for it because I think it's the prettiest. Hope you win!

  2. Carol, is I were still on Facebook, you would definitely get my vote, and I'd vote every day, because I definitely think your Dresden ism by far, the best entry there! lv2bquilting2@comcast.net

  3. Good luck, Carol! If I did the FB thing, you'd get my vote! You did a lovely job!

  4. I looked at all the entries Carol and truly your quilt was the best entry and best use of the fabrics too! Good luck. I don't know what you win, but I hope you do win.

  5. You got my vote Carol…love this quilt!! :)
    Terry cwayons(at)yahoo(dot)com

  6. I "liked"!! It is wonderful and I love your fabric choices.

  7. Thanks Carol for stopping by! And, I voted for your quilt!

  8. Lovely Quilt and with such fun colors and fabrics. I voted #4.

  9. Voted for you! and put it on my FB wall and asked my friends to come over and vote for you as well. Good luck! :)

  10. I've been gone and didn't look at my emails, blogs or anything.....DARN ! Yours is just amazing dear !


Comments are always appreciated!

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