Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Do All Dogs Go To Heaven?

I'm sure that when my dogs, cats, etc. died, they went to Heaven.
They had to because they were so special!

My "grandson dog", RJ ,went there on was a very, very sad day!
He was 15 years old and deeply loved by my daughter and the rest of our family.

He's helped show off a few of my quilts. I'm going to miss my "model."

It's amazing how much our pets become a part of our life,
and how empty it feels when they leave to cross that rainbow bridge in the sky.


  1. Awe may RJ catch all the squirrels he ever wanted. Amazing how furballs take hold of our hearts.

  2. I remember seeing RJ, he was a pretty dog...I'm sorry because I know your heart has an empty place in it right now.

  3. I am so sorry. It is so tough to loose our beloved pets.

  4. So sorry for the passing of a great friend, it is always so sad.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss. It is never easy to loose a part of our family.

  6. Sorry to hear about RJ - always sad when a pet dies.

  7. So very sorry about RJ.... I think we know when we get a furry baby that the odds are that they will leave this earth before we do. And even knowing that, the sorrow that we feel, the hole they leave in our lives and our hearts..... it's so WORTH the pain to have had them in our lives. The unconditional love.... their view on life... the joys they bring. Hugs and prayers to you and your family, Carol. So very sorry........

  8. I am so sorry for your loss of RJ. I know well the void they leave us when they cross the rainbow bridge. May the wonderful memories you have of RJ bring you much comfort.

  9. so sorry to hear about RJ - it's hard to lose our furry family members

  10. it's the worst kind of pain....they can't tell you they are in pain so you pray they go before that happens. so sorry for your family's loss of RJ i'll bet he was really special! i have 3 little kitties (all were runts and rescues at only weeks old!!) they are like my kids lol I dread the day i lose any of them, i bottle fed all of them! I love your quote it's so darned true! God bless RJ and you all!

  11. Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. My beloved Charlie went over the Rainbow Bridge in January. He was 18. I believe that our pets will be in Heaven too. I'm a Christian and I know that Jesus has a horse because He is going to come back on one. So I know He understands our love for our pets. RJ is a beautiful dog. Sending you hugs. Wish I could make the pain go away. XOXO Bev

  12. At times like this, I know how empty my life would have been if my pet had not been part of it. This is the saddest kind of sad to lose a pet that is part of your family. My heart swells and I know in my heart that I will be with my beloved pets again - over the Rainbow Bridge. Judy C.

  13. I feel your loss and am so sorry. I've only had one pet in my entire life and lost her last year. I think about her daily, especially when my Cheerios fall off the side of my bowl onto the kitchen floor. Lucy would love to scamper for those! A lot of those Cheerios weren't accidental drops :)

  14. The pets surely go to heaven, Carol. Had to let go our old chap Tizio, a 19-year-old cat which went with us to Africa and back to Europe, never ever hurt the kiddies and was such a nice and lovely Family cat.... but it was time, and he could have written a huge book of memories, for sure.
    RJ would have done the same !

  15. I am so sorry for your family. I have lost pets, I know the pain. Sending hugs and a shoulder to cry on.

  16. So sorry, I know this is very hard...they are family members.

  17. So sorry. One of the wishes that I would wish is that dogs could live longer. No one else gives you quite the unconditional love they do.

  18. Oh what a sweetheart! I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to say goodbye to a faithful friend.

  19. So sorry for you, and your family, on RJ's passing, Carol….it's so hard to lose a much loved, furry family member.

  20. Awe such sweet pictures of RJ. Sorry for your loss.

  21. Awwww, so very sorry to hear about RJ.

  22. I'm sorry to hear about RJ. I know what you're family is feeling. We had to say goodbye to our sweet Roxy on March 25th. I am still completely heartbroken. She was also 15 and had lived a great like. Maybe they are playing together. May your family remember him fondly......

  23. He is beautiful inside and outside. I am so sorry, Carol. My deepest condolences.


  24. Bless him and I know there is a doggie and cat heaven they give us such pleasure and are so true, God has a special place for them. After my last cat dieted I said no more I can't take the lost anymore but my adult children forced me to get another cat when I was going through Breast Cancer and he sure gave me a lot of comfort. We have also had many dogs so I know the loss . Blessings Sandra

  25. Sorry for your loss. Dogs are like our kids. Someone told me Dogs don't go to heaven because they don't have souls. Hmmmm are they sure about that. We lost our 18 year sheltie in November. It's hard so I feel your pain.
    I say they go to Heaven. They have souls as far as I'm concerned.


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