Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Little Support Here

Cancer is such an ugly word!
I doubt there is even one person reading this who hasn't been affected by it one way or another.

I've lost a few friends and family to cancer. I miss them a lot.
Some of them would still be here if they'd gotten their cancer today instead of 5-25 years ago. 
We've come a long way with treatment for this dreaded disease. 
We have a ways to go to get rid of it. Hopefully, not too much longer!

Just last year I had two friends diagnosed with breast cancer...different types.
I didn't even know there was more than one type of breast cancer!
Since then I've learned way more about breast cancer than I ever wanted to know.
They've gone through surgeries, chemo and/or radiation. Tough times for them.
But, they are still here making the world a better place. 
Thank goodness! I'm kind of selfish and want them in my life for a lot more years.

I just love this lady and plan to hang out with her for a long, long time!
This was in 2002...we need a picture together that's a little more current and with a better camera.
Maybe a barista at Starbucks will take our picture next time we're there.

Sew We Quilt has a blog hop coming up soon to show our support for breast cancer.
I'll be taking part in it along with many others. I hope you'll join us beginning January 29th.

Pat at Life in the Scrapatch will be cheering us on for this hop. 
She has the full schedule HERE.


  1. U know I will b there cheering u all on Carol

  2. I hope that both of your friends treatments and recoveries from this horrible illness go well. xx

  3. The "c" word is such a horror, my best friend has cancer at the moment and no cure.
    Spending as much time with her as possible.

  4. It is such an ugly diagnosis. I hope both of your friends continue to do well.

  5. My sister in law just won her battle against colon cancer, and is now expecting her fifth child. She taught me a lot about life, and how to endure through pain. I have heard cancer referred to as "a divine tap on the shoulder". I think that pretty much sums it up. I hope your friends continue to do well, this is a disease I would not wish on anyone!

  6. Rosemary B here:
    Yes, Cancer is a terrible disease. There are others as well.
    I have lost many friends to cancer. They were young.
    I will pray for your friends. I wish them an easy fight and huge recovery.

  7. I wish I was on the list for this Hop, but I will be cheering everyone on.

  8. Cancer touches us all. Thanks for showing your support by joining in the hop.
    May all the love that goes in to all our stitching go out to heal those who need
    our support ... <3 Pat

  9. Great pre-post for the hop! I'm ready!


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