Wednesday, September 5, 2012

There's Always Something Hopping

It seems like it was just yesterday that I joined a quilt along, an online sewing class, AND a blog hop to try to motivate me to sew more and fill the need I had to do something for ME. looks like I've succeeded because I'm definitely motivated by the blog hops at Sew We Quilt.

What has the hopping done for me?
  1. I've stepped out of my comfort zone and tried new things like paper piecing, embroidery, and applique.
  2. I'm not afraid to post my less-than-perfect projects, because these hops are for beginners, intermediates, and those pro quilters who win ribbons and awards. I told a few bowl hoppers who were concerned their project wasn't good enough that "I'm willing to show mine if you'll show yours." If you're expecting perfectly sewn thingies from my blog, you won't find it here. Don't look too close because there are "whoops" in my sewing, I use my seam ripper a lot, and there are a few things that end up in the trash can. And.... (gasp) I don't usually hand sew binding on my quilts and runners.
  3. I've found so many fun blogs that I never knew were out there.
  4. The inspiration and motivation I get from the other hoppers is priceless.
SO.....if you're looking for something
to inspire and motivate you, be sure to
watch for openings in the
blog hops and come join the fun.
If you miss the sign-ups, come visit all the hops
and get some new ideas for your projects.

5 days and counting.......

This one starts on October 1st and you will definitely
be happy with all the really cool Fall ideas you'll see.

 I heard there might be a few openings
left in the Wicked blog hop....

P.S. I often hear, "I wish I had more time to sew." Me, too! I work full-time, tend to two elderly woman, spend a couple days a week with three wild and crazy grandsons and my adult children, and try to fit in the dreaded housework/cooking thing. Somewhere in there, my sweet husband asks me to give him some attention, too. There are days when I sew for only 10 minutes, some days not at all, and sometimes I'm lucky to get an hour or more to sew. There's no magic answer to why it looks like some people have more time than others to sew and work on their crafts. My friend tells me that "We all have the same amount of hours in a day. Some of us just choose to make time for the things we want to do."
I guess that's what I'm choosing to do these days. :O)


  1. Awesome post!! Thank you for writing the words so many of us feel ... enjoy every moment you can. Wicked wishes :)

  2. Carol, I figure it out ! The secret to more sewing, because I have noticed as I get older and even though I dont have children at home, I am so busy and never get it all done. But,, HEY, If I dont Shower and get dressed and go straight to the machine.. I get some sew time. So just dont shower..LOL

  3. In our busy lives it is even more important that we take those few minutes for ourselves to do what we love to do. The hops always give us such great inspiration.

  4. I had a lot of fun on the bowls hop and am looking foreword to the Polka Dots coming up soon! I finally have my block done, so I can relax and enjoy.

  5. great post!! You are such a great cheerleader!!

  6. Ohhh you just make me giggle, snort and just downright head for my powder room lol. YOU say it the bEST....

    1. ps. absolutely adore the rug rag with the


Comments are always appreciated!

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