Saturday, September 29, 2012

Of Course I'll Drop Everything For You....

 ....I said to my five year old grandson (who's almost six) a few days ago.  He'd asked me to sew him a volleyball quilt a long time ago, but I'd never got around to it. But, when those big brown eyes looked at me the other day and said he'd "been waiting since I was four" to get his volleyball quilt, of course I went right to work on it.

I had some blocks already sewn up from the last volleyball quilt I made, so I handed them to him and told him to design his own quilt. He loved that the blocks stuck to my wall and had a great time moving them around.

This little monkey has a tendency to get distracted and bounced out of the room more than he was in, but he got all the pieces on the wall and was really proud of himself. 

It's finished and ready for him to be wrapped up in and snuggled by all of us who love him so much.

Now, it's back to what consumes
most of my free time...
and I love it!

Cherry at Cherry Blossoms Quilting Studio is next in line for another
fabulous blog hop created by Madame Samm at Sew We Quilt

For the whole LEAFS ME HAPPY schedule, go

Upcoming Blog Hops:

will be hosting this one---she's so wickedly fun!

Sweet Katherine at Sew Me Something Good will be 
hosting UR Priceless. She's worth her weight in gold!

This is a brand new blog hop--I love this pillow!
If you want to make it, send an email to Pauline from Quilt N Queen
before all the spots fill up:

subject line...

There are lots of clues that there is more to come....lots more!


  1. You are the bestest grandmommy! Those little brown eyes are it's about time you made it for him...giggle! Enjoy the rest of the're also an awesome cheerleader!

  2. Spoken like a true Grandmother! Iwould do the same thing. He is darling, give him a squeeze for me!

  3. I hear ya...same thing here except it was a dirt bike auilt. What would we do without those little guys!

  4. been waiting since he was four... that is so cute. How fun to make a quilt together.

  5. A gorgeous result from a joint effort .

  6. How could you not with those big eyes?

  7. What can a grandmother do but please there grandchildren. I have been working on a snuggly quilt from my grandson who is now 2 years old I hope to finish it before he is a old man.

  8. Who can resist such lovely brown eyes! What fun you two had! You gave him more than a great gift.

  9. I love that he designed it himself, he's gorgeous and so's the quilt :)

  10. Aw, those big brown eyes are irresistible and then to hear he's "been waiting since he was four"... he would have me wrapped around his little finger. ;o)

    LOVE the quilt you made together! I bet not only will he use this all the time, he will treasure the memory of making it with you as he grows up. You're the best, grandma!

  11. I love the way he has designed this, thanks for sharing. I am always involving my grandkids into a project and this would be fun to add to the cookie party I host for them every year.. What a simple and loving way to make a quilt. Its fun and colorful and I love a childs eye on everything..

  12. He has been waiting since he was 4 ...what kind of grandma are you.....i think one who can whip up a very cool quilt in the middle of a few hops

  13. And he was able to help! How perfect...I love how they think 4 and being "little" was such a long time ago ;-)


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...