Saturday, January 7, 2023

New Blog Hop Challenge For March

We're off and running with new challenges and adventures in 2023!

This month is hosted by Carla and it's all about SHADES OF BLUE and it's almost here!
I've got mine almost finished and I can't wait to see what the other participants have made.

February is full of sweetness with Joan hosting SWEET ON YOU.

Her challenge:
February is the month of "Love" and who doesn't love being sweet on things?

Are you sweet on treats?
Are you sweet on stitching a special project?
Are you sweet on, well anything you love?

Share it and let your sweetness inspire all of us!
If you want to play along, drop me an email with "Sweet On You" in the subject line 
and give me your info...

March is all about LITTLE GREEN APPLES.

The challenge:
Sew something with green or apple fabric (or a combo of both!)

Email me if you want to join this fun challenge.


  1. Love this challenge. I'm so in!

  2. Whoo hoo...I've putting on my green for this hop!

  3. Dear Carol. You are a lovely friend. It has been ages since I hopped on a sewing challenge. One day I will again. I wish I could now, but I am nuts crazy busy. I have several UFOs and just trying to decide how to complete those (lots of table runners? or quilts? or placemats haha) I love reading your blog and viewing so much inspiration
    Happy New Year

  4. When I started reading today's post a smile automatically appeared on my face. I've been wrestling on how to tame the mountain of scraps I have amassed. After seeing a block on Kathleen McMusings blog that I really liked, I had the idea for getting into the blue scraps, I'm using the wedding ring block from her blog to start my " Wedding Ring Blues" quilt. There is just so much inspiration with the talented group I see here and everywhere. I'm excited to see what others are going to do with their "shades of blue".

  5. I just emailed you about the green apple blog hop - sounds interesting! Thanks for all the info.

  6. I want to join Little Green Apples. Will email you tonight.


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...