Friday, January 7, 2022

Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022

I think we all hoped 2021 would be a better year than 2020, but between Covid/Delta/Omicron, politics, and some crazy weather, I for one am glad to see it go. Of course, 2021 had to leave me with a nasty case of Covid just to show me it wouldn't be forgotten.

There was no Christmas celebrating with family because of Covid. My family, including all of the Monkey Boys, started dropping like flies the week before Christmas. Luckily, the boys bounced back quickly, but the adults had 10 days or more of fever, cough, headaches, and body pains. No fun! I still haven't regained all my taste and smell.

I was really lucky in December to be a winner of a Quick Zip System by the Quilting Connection. Adam Sew Fun had a drawing and because someone didn't claim their prize I won! I love being a winner of such an awesome prize!

New Year's resolutions don't ever work for me, but hopefully this year will be successful. Losing weight is a must for health reasons. All the stay-at-home eating and laying around has taken a toll. The extra pounds have to go! 

This is pretty much how I look and feel these days.

I fell a few weeks ago because of a unexpected moment of vertigo. There was nothing to grab onto and I fell in the rocks by my daughter's house. My sweet 15 year old grandson was the only one home and it scared him to death when he saw me laying in his yard. He tried to pick me up but that was not happening! 

I crawled on the rocks until I could get somewhere to stand up with his help. He helped me inside and ran to get me water. It took only a few minutes for the vertigo to pass, but I was so thankful for his jump to action and kindness. Luckily, I only ended up with a bruised hand.

My oldest daughter teased me and offered to buy me a walker in a color of my choice. The joke was on her because a couple days later she fell while on a hike. She had to be rescued by helicopter because there was no easy way to get her out. She ended up with a broken ankle and tibia, and needed surgery. She stayed with us for a while until she could function without a ton of help. 

Here she is with five of the Monkey Boys on Christmas day. 
She didn't get Covid like the rest of us and luckily the boys weren't sick anymore. 

You can checkout her helicopter ride on her Instagram page, Vegas Adventures, HERE 

There were over 60 projects, patterns, and classes that kept me busy in 2021. Slowing down and focusing on myself has been my goal for the last few years and I've failed miserably at it until now. I've let go of designing for a couple companies (it killed me) and I'm trying to say "no" to adding anything to my list. I'll still be doing blog hops and the Crackling Stitches BOM with my two favorite partners in crime, Carla and Joan. I'm looking forward to sewing some things that I've pushed aside because of the deadlines I needed to meet.

The blog hop this month is "Polar Bear Plunge" hosted by Joan at Moosestash Quilting. I can't wait to see what everyone makes!

February's blog hop is "Tickled Pink" hosted by Carla at Creatin' in the Sticks. Check with her to see if there are any openings.

Stay healthy!


  1. Hi Carol,Sorry it's been a bit of a rocky (no pun intended) time for you lately. I hope all are recovered and your hand is fine now as well. We are in a partial lockdown here in Ontario to blunt the hospital admissions and so far, it is working. I'm really hoping this will be the variant to end all variants. Happy New Year and Happy Stitching!

  2. Oh my gosh Carol, the end of 2021 was certainly a wild ride for you. I hope you and your family are all feeling better and that life can return to normal soon.

  3. Boy 2021 ended with lots of complications for you and your family. Hope your daughter heals well. Lovely photo of her and the boys.

  4. Happy you are keeping with the Hops as I love them as do a lot of others. High commitment work can really stress you and sometimes you have to let it go just to 'restore'. You need to focus on YOU.

  5. I am glad you weren't seriously injured with that fall. Sorry your daughter didn't fair as well, but I am sure she is on the mend. After looking at my quilting accomplishments last year, I decided to make my UFOs my squirrels! LOL I don't plan to make anything new until I finish my UFOs. The only ones on my list right now are the ones I didn't finish from last year. We have to start somewhere, right?

  6. I'm glad you're feeling better, this Covid has hit so many people just in the last few days. I just hope everyone weathers the storm. Crazy!

  7. Gee Carol, but 2021 sure went out with a bang at your house. We'll trust that 2022 will be a smoother ride. We are waking this morning to LOTS of snow, our first major snow and windstorm of the year. Pretty to look at, but lots of clearing to be done. But it is winter here in the Maritimes, and storms are to be expected We did not lose power, and the sun is trying to grace us with another beautiful day.
    We both have just gotten through nasty cases of daycare flu. When your kids are at daycare it is like a petrie dish of germs, but testing shows no COVID yet. We all have our booster shot for COVID, so hoping for the best.
    I'm working away at my contribution to Polar Bear Plunge, and Tickled pink and looking forward to see what everyone will make. Take care and enjoy what life brings your way. Hugs

  8. Wow, Carol, I'm sorry to learn that the end of 2021 was terrible. I hope you will completely recover (I know of so many people who have that long Covid...). Hoping 2022 goes better. Take care of yourself! Looking forward to seeing what you do for the January hop!

  9. It sounds like you had a rough end to 2021! I hope 2022 is an improvement. Focus is a fabulous word for 2022!

  10. I am glad you survived all of that in one piece Carol! Stuff like that makes you think about what your priorities in life are and I totally understand you stepping down from some of the things you used to do and the companies you designed for. But you and your wonderful designs/quilts will be missed from the places you left. Glad you aren't giving it all up and I'll still see you around in the places you mentioned. Take care and may 2022 be a great year for you! Hugs.

  11. Carol, I'm so sorry to hear you had Covid. I had it for three weeks in September and I hate to tell you, but there I still have some loss of smell and a little of taste but not as much as smell. I got some Lion's Mane and have been taking it and it's better. I'm going to see what else I can find that might help. I totally felt like that meme you posted for a while afterward. Just take your time and don't overdo things. I'm so sorry about your fall but happy you weren't badly injured. Bless your daughter's heart. And to have to be rescued by helicopter is even scarier to me! I'm thankful they were able to reach her and get her to safety and medical help. So happy the boys are much better. Kids bounce back a lot easier than we do! Take good care of yourself, my friend!

  12. Oh gosh! what a challenge! that will teach your daughter to not pick on you! haha!! poor thing - what a wild ride you have all had.

    Here's to a happy and healthy 2022!!!

  13. Hi Carol! Concentrating on yourself and getting you to the best version of yourself is a great thing! Think of all the fun activities you'll be doing with those Monkey boys. My motto for the year is no stress - I'm not taking on any and I'm not sharing any. I'm sorry you had to step back from some past commitments but I am certain you will find other creative outlets. I'm thrilled that you're not giving up on blog hops. All three of you come up with fun ideas and they're always not to be missed. {{Hugs}} a bunch for you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  14. I'm really glad your fall wasn't worse, and that your daughter is on the mend.
    I thought 2021 would be better too, but I lost my husband in June so it's been hard since then.
    Lots of family and friends have covid, but I've managed to not get it unless my negative test really was positive. I had a bad sinus infection, but no fever. My son was really sick with it.
    I have a fear of falling since I'm alone now so I try to be really careful.
    Praying your year is a lot better too!

  15. Wow Carol! What a bummer of an ending to an already stressful year. I really hope you and your family are doing better now and this year is a much better one for all.
    I have a fear of falling because I lose my balance a lot. So far I have been very lucky. However, my sister has not. She fell and broke her hip, then 4 months later, fell and broke the other one. Now, she has broken her arm. It is a really scary thing. Be very careful!

  16. Those falls are the moments that do make us pay attention! I have had one or two in recent years and I am all done with that. I decided on more fall on my head and I'd be lucky to come out with any brains at all. Good luck taking care of yourself, its the most important thing. My son came down with Covid while visiting family in Pennsylvania, but fortunately it did not spread wider. We were lucky. I'll be rooting for you, and looking forward to seeing what you do create as the year progresses.

  17. The end of your year sounds much like mine. I was so glad to see the year go out and welcome the new year with hope. I’m so glad that you have recovered from the bout of Covid. Is it a relief to not worry about getting it? I hope you have a beautiful and healthy 2022.

  18. So sorry about your fall. I fell a couple of years ago on two little steps. I broke my right pinky finger and got a few bruises. As we had no insurance. my finger healed in it's broken state. It's just a little crooked. Sorry about the Covid also. My husband had it in late 2020. Luckily, I didn't catch it. So glad that you're all feeling better. Looking forward to this year's blog hops.

  19. So much happening at the same time. But now you must have done it for a while. So hoping your can have a beautiful and nice new year. I'm working with my polar bear things, hoping to have them ready in time. Have a nice week!

  20. Oh my, so sorry about all this, glad everyone is better and getting natural immunity.

  21. Glad that you're feeling better!

  22. What a lousy time to have to deal with Covid. Not that any time is good, but over the Christmas holidays just seems so wrong. Hope you get back to feeling like your old self soon. I will be joining you in the dieting department this year. You hit the nail on the head with how I am feeling myself. Hoping your daughter is improving every day as well. Looking forward to another fun filled year designing and blog hosting with you and Carla. Take care my friend.

  23. OMG Leave you alone for a few weeks and all this happens! I am so glad you weren't badly hurt when you fell. I am battling a bum knee and fear falling all the time. I hope your family fully recovers from the virus and sure hope your daughter heals well and quickly! I am sad you won't be designing as much, I know you love it, but I think it is good to focus a bit more n your health. Unfortunately, we can't do it all forever.
    You take good care of yourself you hear. Hugs


Comments are always appreciated!

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