Thursday, December 19, 2019

Beth's Quilt "Call Me Chic" And It's Thursday

Beth's quilt is done (she's my niece) and it's "I Like Thursday" all in one post.
I've gifted quilts to several nieces and their children, but I still have more to sew
to get one to each of. Beth's quilt, "Call Me Chic", is the latest gift.

Call Me Chic
61" x 71"

I bought a layer cake and some yardage of Riley Blake Design's "Granny Chic" by
Lori Holt. Beth wanted a shabby chic quilt, so I'm hoping she'll like this.

Quilting was done by Quilted Works...I love it!

I used my favorite scalloped border around the edges.

I just needs a ribbon around it and it's ready to go!
I sell the pattern in my Etsy store HERE.

One of my Instagram friends had this on her post so I decided that since I'd really
 been hitting the online shopping pretty hard, my delivery people deserved this.
They have had big smiles when they see it and I liked seeing that!

One of my favorite things about finishing a quilt is the adventures we go on to find just
the right spot to take a photo. This trip wasn't too far away and was beautiful.
I really like/love the scenery in this area!

I really liked the rock this quilt was sitting on for a photo. This was just up the hill
from where we live. It has some beautiful views, but this rock was very interesting.

 Shocking, but I actually made cookies for Christmas.
I like cookies way too much so I'm not stepping on the scale until January!

I found a really good sale on some copper cookie cutters.

Nothing quite as good as Nestle Tollhouse Cookies.
I chilled the dough first and really like how they came out.

Sugar & Spice cookies from my mother-in-law's recipes.
I love using the cookie scoops for this.

I have fond memories of making my gr-grandmother's peanut butter cookies.
I'd dip the fork in flour and push it into the cookies. Her recipe was so good!

I host blog hops every other month...this one is in February.
I really like blog hops!

We had a couple hours of snow!

Check out all the
 "I Like Thursdays" with LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color.


  1. You really had a variety of topics on this post. Love the quilts and the scenery. Thanks for the inspiration for delivery folks. Oh, the cookies! I try to stay away from those, so just have a few for me please! It did bring back wonderful memories of making them for my kids, especially during the holidays.

  2. I love the quilt Carol.
    I like Thursday too. Today I take my daddy to the heart doc for a check up.
    Then I need to finish my Christmas pajama pants.
    and drink a lot of tea.
    Your box of goodies is a great idea, I have also seen
    this kind gesture on the news. It is very good and i am sure absolutely sure they appreciate the thought.
    I like those chocolate chip cookies. YUM

  3. That scenery backdrop for your quilt is so pretty. You have good things posted this week. Is it okay to eat cookies for breakfast, because now I'm hungry! Enjoy all those goodies - no scales in December, right!!??!!

  4. Hi Carol! So many good things in this post - and you got SNOW in Las Vegas???!!! Holy moly. Love and adore your Call Me Chic quilt. Those fabrics and colors are just so yummy. And what a great size. Now you have me wondering about the scalloped border - your niece is going to love it! And leaving the water and snacks for the delivery person - how fabulous is that?!! I so want to do that but the water would freeze here. I'm going to try to remember this for next year. Those copper cutouts look great and are a nice size, but nothing looks better than those Tollhouse cookies. Hmm, chilled the dough - that's a great idea. Merry Christmas, Carol! ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Your niece’s quilt is lovely. I’ve always loved your quilt photo shoots. You do live in a beautiful area.

    Those cookies look delicious. I can almost smell them from here.

  6. I love the backdrops for your quilts and your adventures you all go on with the quilt photo shoot. You are like a super star with your own crew to make everything awesome. Your cookies look great. in a bakery you will never want to eat another cookie in your life.

  7. Pudding rock! It's wild looking stuff. Your photos (and quilts) are beautiful. You chocolate chip cookies look delicious! Mine never come out that good looking (but still taste alright). Mmm... good stuff.

  8. Your niece's quilt is so fun - I love all the color in it! It is definitely lots of fun finding special places to photograph our quilts! Your cookies look so yummy. I am ready to do a bit of baking, too! Merry Christmas, Carol!

  9. Your neice's quilt is a beauty. I do always like your backgrounds for the quilts. That conglomerate rock is really pretty, actually, and a great backdrop for that quilt, which is one of my favorites you've done lately. The cookies look delicious!

  10. I like the rock too. And cookies, your pictures were so good.

  11. It is amazing what that simple border did for this simple quilt. Chic it is.


Comments are always appreciated!

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