Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Sun, Sand, And Sea...BOM #7

Another block for Sun, Sand, and Sea BOM...it is so cute! 

I've been using Riley Blake Designs' fabrics and I'm loving the solid colors.

Amy at Sew Incredibly Crazy is in charge of this BOM
and she has monthly giveaways. Don't miss out on any of them!
All you have to do is link up your block to be eligible.

The patterns are free the first month they are released, but after that they 
will be available for a nominal fee from each designer.

Amy's Block #1 - February
You can find info on it HERE and the pattern HERE.

Carol's Block #2 - March
You can find the info on it HERE and the pattern HERE.

Carla's Block #3 - April
You can find the info on it HERE and the pattern HERE.

Joan's Block #4 - May
You can find the info on it HERE and the pattern HERE.

Carol's Block #5 - June
You can find the info on it HERE and the pattern HERE.

Carla's Block #6 - July
You can find the info on it HERE and the pattern HERE.

Amy's Block #7 - August
You can find info on it HERE and the pattern HERE.

There's a Facebook page for Sew Incredibly Crazy and Friends, too!

 I use Therm O Web's Heat n Bond EZ Print Lite sheets to prepare 
my applique pieces. I love that all I need to do is run the design through
 my printer, iron it to the wrong side of my fabric, cut out the pieces, 
and then press them in place. It is so fast and easy...I love easy! 


  1. Super cute crab and I love your bright fun colors. Great block dear. <3

  2. Amy's block is adorable! What a fun quilt this will be!

  3. So cute. i love all of the blocks so much. I love the fabrics

  4. Thank you so much for the post i love your blog and if you hadnot posted it i would have missed the entries. so thanks again , and sure i will visit each and every blog . time to time .


Comments are always appreciated!

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