Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Road Home Row Along Quilt Show N Tell Day

It's been an amazing journey to visit all the different "homes" of various bloggers.
Thank you to Marian from Seams To Be Sew for gathering us all together!
Today is Show n Tell day of a few quilters who made their rows into a quilt.
I made a quilt with just four of my favorites. It was so hard to pick just four!

Since I'm no world traveler and haven't been to hardly any of those places featured,
I chose four rows that made me smile and were mostly applique, which I love to do.

Row 1: Road Home To Vegas is my row. I love that town!
You can find this row at my pattern store on Craftsy.

Row 2: Road Home to Heber Valley, Utah, on the Heber Creeper. 
I've actually seen this train, which isn't really red, but doesn't it look great in that color!
You can find this row over at Deonn's blog, Quiltscapes.

Row 3: Road Home to Northern Rivers Region, NSW, Australia.
I've never been to Australia, but it looks just like the beaches I enjoy when I visit California.
It looks so peaceful!
You can find this row by Sue Griffith who posted on my blog when she shared the row, HERE.

Row 4: The Road Home to Albuquerque, New Mexico.
I have to admit I've never been to see this amazing balloon show, but I need to!
The pictures I've seen of all the balloons are just gorgeous.
You can find this row by Daryl of Patchouli Moon HERE.

The beautiful quilting on my Road Home quilt was done by Quilted Works
I was so happy with it!

Visit the other blogs to see their quilts and/or rows:

Today - October 11
Show n Tell Day

Another great giveaway!

The Road Home Designers:

September 6
Allie-Oops Sweet Happy Life 
Harrisville, MI Sunrise Coast
Cynthia’s Creating Ark
Adelaide South Australia
Kissed Quilts
Grand Coulee, Washington
Renee's Quilting Addiction
Alberta, Canada

September 8
Just Let Me Quilt
Las Vegas, Nevada

Quilt in Piece
Amanzimtoti, South Africa

September 13
Tweety Loves Quilting
Edinburgh, UK
Heber City/ SLC
Seams To Be Sew
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Pine Valley
New Zealand

September 15
bdieges designs
Road to Tehachapi (CA)
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Worcester County in Central Massachusetts
Patti’s Patchwork
Toronto, Ontario Canada

Seacoast Quilter
New Milford, Connecticut

September 20

September 22
Words & Stitches
Beaches of California
Quilt Art
Any Pattern
Port Angeles, Washington

Patchwork Breeze
West Michigan Shoreline

September 27
Creatin’ in the Sticks
Dodge City, Kansas
Sue Griffiths Featured At Just Let Me Quilt
Northern Rivers Region, NSW, Australia

Seams To Be Sew For Batts In The Attic

I Can Quilt 2
Baltimore, MD

September 29
Quilted Fabric Art
Burlington Vermont
Westend Quilter
Manitoulin Island, Canada
Pamela Quilts
Quilt Fabrication
Silicon Valley, CA

October 04

October 06


  1. Those rows look wonderful together! Well done!

  2. Beautiful, Beautiful... Love how it turned out and the filmstrip like border on the sides... Thank you Carol!!!

  3. I Love the film strip idea, brilliant. Your quilt looks beautiful.

  4. Carol, I have enjoyed seeing the blocks sewn together

  5. Fantastic! Your use of color really unified the rows and they work together wonderfully!

  6. You chose four that not only really compliment each other, but a fun, too!

  7. A great quilt full of fun and make you yearn to visit these places.

  8. That was a great way to show off those rows! This definitely makes me smile! Thanks

  9. A pretty finish with some really fun rows!

  10. Wow great job you was a busy busy lady great job..... happyness04431@yahoo.com

  11. this has really been fun. thanks for sharing your lovely quilt. I like how you chose your rows.

  12. Carol, how fun to see my row in this wonderful collection! I love the little train in red, he's darling! Thanks for including it in your quilt. Your use of colors and prints in the filmstrip setting really make these rows work well together. I love it!

  13. Love your quilt Carol! Oh and how fun to see my row made by someone besides myself.

  14. Love your quilt Carol! Oh and how fun to see my row made by someone besides myself.

  15. Great job on your rows, thanks!

  16. Such a great memory quilt. I love the side edges with their look of film strip. It gives the rows a feeling of photos that were taken. You may not travel a lot but I'm sure you were on a wonderful fabric and stitching trip while making this quilt.

  17. These have been such wonderful rows I can't wait to see everyone's creation! I love how you used yours, Carol!

  18. What great looking quilts ... wow. crystalbluern at tds dot net

  19. Oh, I love it! It's so much fun seeing them together.

  20. Carol your quilt turned out beautiful. I love it. It was fun following the rows.

  21. Beautifully done. Well colour co-ordinated. The film strips on the sides make a wonderful border. Way to go.

  22. Those rows were some of my favorites too. Yes, it was and is hard to just pick a handful to make into a quilt.

  23. I love your blog header! And your quilt is spectacular, too!

  24. Your quilt is really awesome Carol. I love the rows you chose. Very colorful.

  25. Love how you set the rows together in "film".

  26. Your quilt is fantastic! Thank you for the giveaway.

  27. Your quilt is fantastic! Thank you for the giveaway.

  28. You picked some really great rows. Beautiful!

  29. You picked some really great rows. Beautiful!

  30. Wonderful combination of rows! Nicely done.

  31. The rows you chose really look great together! Using some of the same fabrics in each row really helped tie everything together.

  32. Those are some great rows you picked. I bet it was hard to pick just 4, there some wonderful rows to choose from. Your quilt looks awesome!

  33. The row by row hop has been fantastic. Thank you!

  34. I really like your quilt. The borders make it look like the old filmstrips from my early teaching career. Great choices of rows to put together, too. I especially like the fabric choices for the balloons, and the red train DOES look grand!

  35. Your quilt is great. Love the film strips.

  36. Your quilt turned out so wonderful-love that border!

  37. Love your quilt and the Vegas row is still my favorite.

  38. Love your quilt and the Vegas row is still my favorite.

  39. Great quilt. Thank you for sharing. Loved this Row Along

  40. I just returned from a trip up the US west coast and I tried to pick up row by row kits along the way. So glad to see the rows in quilts to give me ideas ;)

  41. This is so cool how you made it look like a film strip with the black and white borders on the sides. Very creative piece! You picked 4 wonderful rows and great places to visit too!

  42. I love the filmstrip look. Thanks for sharing your talents with all of us!

  43. Your quilt turned out super fun. I like all the rows you chose. This hop was so much fun...even for non-quilters like me. Sewing Bliss...

  44. I love the way you created a piece of film, with perfect frames!

  45. You made a wonderfull Quilt. I love it!!
    Greeting Guilitta


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

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