Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Little Quilt Retreat With Deonn

I've been a bit lazy about sewing lately, but today I went to a quilt retreat where
Deonn from Quiltscapes was teaching. We sewed from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m....I'm exhausted!
Deonn had us sewing half hexies and making some little origami looking things.
She's so patient and was even willing to use the ripper to fix a few a lot of my mistakes!

The class was for Deonn's cute sheep quilt that was published in Quiltmaker.
Cute, cute, cute...just like Deonn!

Phone cameras aren't the best, especially mine, but being with this sweet lady was
worth taking a picture about. She was fun and I learned so many things. Thanks, Deonn!

I still need to finish the quilt, but it's close to being done. Love it!


  1. What a great way to spend a day sewing with inspirational people. Deonne's hexie sheep quilt is uber cute. Love the photo of the two of you. Sewing Bliss...

  2. Awe it looks like you had a good time and how cool to get a pic with Deonne too!

  3. It sounds like so much fun. I loved Deonn's pattern in my magazine when it came in the mail. Have fun with your sewing.

  4. How fun! I am notorious for taking a class and not finishing the project...hope you are able to get your cutie sheep done! Deonn's design looks great for a tactile quilt for a little one! Love your jacket btw :)

  5. What fun....even if it was a long day! I'm new at hexies and I love that little sheep....a nice way to get started on something that isn't overwhelming. It would be cute to just make one and put it on a pillow or hanging. I know I'd never get a whole quilt finished. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it. Baaaaaa!

  6. I am so jealous that you got to spend time with Deonn. I love what she designs! I bet you ladies had lots of fun!

    1. Retreats are so much fun, especially when you have a great project to work on. It looks really cute, can't wait to see it finished.

  7. Oh, boy! I will be seeing Deonn again in 2 weeks. :-) I am heading to Utah from Ohio. Thanks for sharing your fun retreat experience.

  8. Lucky you! That's one of my bucket list things to do - a retreat with Deonn.

  9. Knowledge is king in my book! I love learning new things and to have Deonn teach you some new tips is the best gift of all! How fun to have a day with only is good!

  10. So glad you had fun. Gorgeous quilt pattern.

  11. Lucky you!! A much fun

  12. Carol, I so enjoyed hanging out with you for a whole day of quilting together! I love your sense of humor and you had us giggling all day! You are the best. Hope you enjoy your little Sheep Shape quilt!

  13. How fun you got to take a class with Deonn, Isn't it neat to meet in person ! It's also great to look at you , I'm glad you finally started posting pictures of Carol !

  14. I saved the magazine to make that quilt. It's on the list. Lucky you to be on a retreat to make it especially with designer. How special. Such a sweet quilt!

  15. So fun to see you two together!

  16. Cute little sheep and I just love retreats. Can't wait for mine in March


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