Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Garden Party Is Off To The Quilter!

My Garden Party did not end up as a UFO...WHEW!
There are no cute little blocks in the sashing like the pattern said it should have,
but I love the edge around it in one color and the rest of it is okay, too.
It's a lousy photo, but I wanted to hurry and get it over to Quilted Works for them to add their 
quilting magic. I'll post it when I get it back in a few weeks. I know they'll do a fabulous job on it!

Want to see how amazing and easy Jenny Doan makes this look?
Click HERE to see her YouTube tutorial.
Click HERE to see her updated version (which is what I was going for.)

Without meaning to, I ended up making the non-updated version.
Dang those little squares that never made it to my quilt!

I pieced the back with the music notes and peach grunge fabric.

My giveaway for the Perfect Picnic blog hop can be found HERE.

Don't forget to check out all the picnic fun at Sew We Quilt!
You can find the whole schedule HERE.

 This is in progress, too...check it out!

June 5 - Jedi Craft Girl

June 10 - Nancy Zieman

June 12 - The Sassy Quilter

June 17 - Just Let Me Quilt

June 19 - Simple Simon & Co

June 24 - Haberdashery Fun

June 26 - Sew We Quilt


  1. Great quilt. I really love that scallopish border. Super addition to those blocks.

  2. That's a cute quilt, I'll go look at the tutorial !

  3. Carol, your quilt is gorgeous. I love the border!


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...