Friday, August 30, 2013

Superior Thread And Fabric...Sweet Stuff!

I ventured out by myself today to visit a new-to-me store in Utah...Superior Threads. My mouth hung open and I had to try not to drool as I looked around. Seriously, it was awesome!

One part of the building had fabric. Lots and lots of fabric! I was so awestruck I didn't even take pictures of the fabric area, but I did pick-up just a little  some  a pile of fabric. The sales people were over-the-top helpful and nice. I also picked up a couple patterns and was lucky enough to meet the sweet lady who created them. Annie of gave me some wonderful hints on wool felt. I'm SO going to try it! She also showed me a couple hints about a pattern of hers that I bought...I was so impressed!

Next stop was just around the corner (or down the elevator) at the thread warehouse. OH MY GOSH! I was really in thread heaven! There were rows and rows and rows, etc., etc., etc, of thread of every color and type imaginable.

Just a little of what I picked up...yes, there is purple in that pile!

I need to venture out like this more often!


  1. Looks like you had a fun day. Are you loving retirement yet...giggle!

  2. I am a real fan of Superior Thread and I know your trip to their store had to be wonderful!

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhh you died and went to heaven!!!! I wouldn't know what to buy if I were there....overwhelming....but would love to try.

  4. Hi Carol. Can I please go with you the next time you go?

  5. That looks like too much fun. Hmmm, what are you sewing with purple? Can't wait to see.

  6. Sounds like you had heaps of fun

  7. Wow, that sounds super fun, if you picked up some wool you should check out the new blog hop coming up,

  8. Ahhhh i was by my phone, you did not callllllll wait, is it because I WON in last hop lol

    Great threads for,Wicked?

  9. I didn't even know they sold fabric! Wow! I bet it was a very fun day!

  10. I am going there on Tuesday! This looks like a "Costco" warehouse for fabric and thread....this is a dream store for ANY seamstress or quilter! LOVE IT!! And to think you went there without your favorite sister......just saying....LOL!

  11. My mouth is watering just reading about your trip and seeing that warehouse. WOW.

  12. I see some wicked looking thread! What a fun day. But you didn't get to meet Mother Superior? or Bob? Bummer.

  13. Looks like a fun store! I'll have to check it out next time!

  14. I'm really fond of Superior Thread. What kind of thread was on those small cards (last picture). That's one that looks new to me. The Superior tour sounds fabulous!

  15. That looks like such a fun place to visit!


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