Friday, October 26, 2018

Wandering Camera In October

I managed to do a little Wandering Camera photo shots on a day trip to
Zion National Park in Utah. The views were spectacular!

There were so many red rocks and mountains, each changing to lighter or
darker red depending on which way we were driving. 

There was so much texture in all those rocks, too!

A few deer and mountain sheep popped up for quick glances.

A rare moment of an empty road. Zion has millions of visitors each year.

The tunnel...I was scared of this when I was a kid. It's still kind of spooky and very dark.

A few flowers were still hanging in there before the cold hits.

It was a fabulous day!

Another day was spent at Grandpa's Pond, a favorite picnic spot.

It was a perfect setting for my shark quilt. There's no sharks in this pond,
but they did remove an alligator from there last year. Apparently, someone
thought it would be a good place to drop off their overgrown pet. Yikes!

This guy came in for a close-up.

That blue eye is gorgeous!

Of course, there had to be a this case it was a bee.

Thanks for stopping by today for a quick view of my September Wandering Camera.
Check out Soma's amazing camera shots over at Whims and Fancies!


  1. Gorgeous photos of Zion. I was there the day there were a million visitors. :D I would love to go when there are not so many people, and without Bobbin in tow. Great pic of the goose and the bee.

  2. Beautiful photos Carol, we went thru Zion Park several years ago while on a tour in the US, it was an amazing place to see..I remember tunnels like the one in your photo.
    Your shark quilt looks wonderful in that setting...bit scary about the alligator!! The colours on the goose are beautiful, great shot of the bee.

  3. You are really good with the lens. The colors are fabulous. I think you should attempt a quilt capturing the texture of those mountains ;-}

  4. That is really a spectacular place to visit and your photos have captured it so well.

  5. Beautiful pics and love the blue-eyed goose and bee close up! Wow! What lens did you use for those pics? Thanks for sharing your pictures - looks like a great day!

  6. Beautiful shots! Zion is On my bucket list. I like that you had a visit without the crowds.

  7. I have never been to Zion National Park. What a beautiful place. I am so glad that you took these pictures and shared them

  8. Great adventures at Zion, for sure! I laughed as I scrolled through your photos and suddenly came upon the shark quilt. Fun, fun!

  9. Your photos capture the loveliness of the desert. And your shark quilt is simple but perfect! I love it!Your quilt style is wonderful. You have really found your niche.

  10. WOW, what beautiful pictures... and the memories lucky you. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Beautiful photos, of a gorgeous area. We hope to get there one day! But in the meantime I will live vicariously through your pic's.

  12. WOW on the photos...A duck's eye is your next quilt!!! Love the shark...and the views..makes me think of growing up in Arizona

  13. What gorgeous scenery to show off your shark quilt. What stunning colors you captured on film! A crocodile in the lake is certainly no joke...but at least there were no sharks except for your beauty.

  14. Wow, such lovely photos of stunning landscapes. How sweet is your goose...such pretty eyes. Fabulous shark quilt!

  15. It has been such a long time since I visited Zion. I had a great time revisiting it with you. So great that you live close by to make it a day trip for you. You captured the colours so beautifully in your photos. Grandpa's Pond is a lovely picnic spot, and for your quilt photo too!

    Thank You so much for linking up on Wandering Camera!


  16. Gorgeous Photos! The shark quilt tho - that is so cool and love the water in the background of the photos!! perfect!


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